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发布时间:2018-02-06 广场舞之家【娱乐】



据悉易烊千玺刷墙时的歌曲是《Friends》,是flight of the conchords的。


Friends sing together

Friends do things together

Friends laugh together

Friends make graphs together

Friends help you

When you're in danger

Friends are people

Who are not strangers

Friends help you shift

Into a new place

And tell you if you've

Got food on your face

Friends are the ones

On who you can depend

He's my friend

He's not my friend

Friends are the ones

Who are there in the end

He's my friend

They're not my friends

If you trip over

I'll catch your fall

If you kick my dick

I won't break your balls

If you get drunk and vomit on me

I'll make sure you get home safely

If you crossed the road

And a truck struck you

I'll scrape you up

And reconstruct you

I'll cheer you up

If you're depressed

If you get murdered

I'll avenge your death

Friends walk together

Pop and lock together

Me and him together

Me and Jim forever

Friends go jogging at the track

Friends borrow money

Never pay you back

Friends do not let friends do crack

Friends go out and grab a snack

Friends drink beer in the sun

Unlike girlfriends they don't mind

If you have more than one

Friends tell you

When your fly's undone

My Uncle John had a special friend

They dressed alike

His name was Ben

I've never seen two friends like them

They were very very friendly men

Friends friends friends

Friends friends friends friends

Friends friends friends friends



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