文化词汇—广场舞Square Dance

来源:广场舞之家 栏目:广场舞资讯 时间:2013-12-09 16:46

  广场舞是一种集体舞蹈形式,地点多选在广场,由此得名。参加者多为妇女。晚上七点到十点左右,你就能看到很多中年妇女在跳广场舞,这些妇女中国 人常叫她们为“大妈”。她们把广场舞当作一种娱乐方式并且以此锻炼身体。舞蹈动作简单,样式丰富,配乐多采用感染力强的“神曲”。广场舞近年来在城乡广泛 流行,成为极具特色的一种集体活动。但是越来越普遍的广场舞活动,也成为了扰民的因素之一。

  Square dance is a kind of group dancing which people always play it on the square.The most participants are female. About 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm,you can see groups of middle aged women whom Chinese prefer to call them DaMa playing Square Dance. They dance to entertain themselves and keep healthy. This dancing is suitable for them to play because the movements are easy to learn while the form is variable, bringing them lots of fun. Also, music plays an important role. The songs chosen should be popular and amazing. They could help to create an hilarious atmosphere for dancing, encouraging DAMAs to dance better.With the square dance developing more and more widespread, it becomes one of the reasons which disturb residents.


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